Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Response to Richard D. Lavoie`s FAT City workshop.

In Richard D. Lavoie`s video he showed a handful of professional adults what it would be like to be a child with a learning disability. He showed them pictures and then proceeded to ask them questions at a fast pace. This caused anxiety and as a result the adults began to think and act like students with a LD (Learning Disability). Richard had a lot of very good points and I agreed with all of them. He mentioned in his video that teachers often pressure students for answers by saying "come on this on is easy" or "if you don't tell me the answer now you can't have recess", this tends to only make the LD student feel worse. When I have completed my schooling and am finally working as a teacher I never want to say anything like this to my students because I can only imagine how bad it is stressing them out. I want my LD students to succeed and do well in school. They won't be able to do this if I am treating them like they are not smart enough. I need to understand their exceptionality and treat it properly in order to help them succeed.

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