Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Gender Roles: The Ideal Male and Female

Look at your parents; does you mom clean the house and cook the meals? Does your dad do the yard work, heavy lifting chores and work another job in town? Mine do. That is how it has always been, if my dad picks up a broom and sweeps the floor we wonder if he may have bumped his head. These observations are stereotypical gender roles, this is how society views males and females, though not all families conform to this. Another stereotype about males is that they are strong, masculine and the tough guy in society. Woman  are seen as fragile, innocent, gentle and emotional. Some people may conform to these gender stereotypes but there are many people that do not. These stereotypes should not be placed on young children, they should be able to decide their own identity and gender on their own. There for to be an effective teacher you should support your students for who they choose to be.

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