Monday, October 18, 2010

Kohlberg's Levels and stages of moral develpoment.

In Kohlberg's theory, there are 3 levels and 6 stages, each level has 2 stages. The levels are preconventional, conventional, and postconventional. The stages under preconventional are punishment and hedonism. The stages under conventionalism are nice boy/girl and law and order. The stages under postconventionalism are social contract and universal ethical. When I think about all these stages and read what each one entails I feel like I am under the nice girl/boy stage and the law and order stage. I always think about how my actions are going to be seen by other people, and I never do something if the rules say that its not allowed. I do not like getting in trouble so that could also place me under the punishment stage as well. I have some friends that are straight hedonism; they do what they want, when they want. These particular friends are not worried about getting in trouble at all. That is how I relate to Kohlberg's theory.

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