Friday, October 1, 2010

Responce to Richard St. John's video.

In yesterday's class when we were watching Richard St. John's video about the 8 steps to success, I couldn't stop thinking about my lululemon athletica shopping bag. These shopping bags are covered in quotes or little tips to improve our lives. I remembered two quotes on my bags that are; "Successful people replace the words "wish", "should", and "try" with I WILL" and "Live is full of setbacks. Success is determined by how you handle setbacks". I personally love these quotes they really make me think about what success really is and how it can be reached. Richard St. John defiantly touched on some points that were very similar to these quote. I hope that in being an effective teacher I can change my students perspectives to "I WILL" and I hope I can be there to help them deal with setbacks.

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