Monday, November 15, 2010

Memory: Responce to Andi Bell's Video

Andi Bell is a very smart man who won the world memory championships. He was able to do this because he has a fool proof way of remembering information. This process of remembering is done by taking a route you know very well and pairing the places you go on this route with the information you want to remember. This proves to work very well for him. This video got me thinking of how I remember content for our EDPY midterms. When I read a question I picture my notes in my head and then remember where the information was located on the page this then leads me to remember the answer. It works for me all the time. For the last midterm I somehow missed two pages of my notes and when the questions came up on the test I realized I could not picture the text in my mind because I had not read it over prior to the exam. This is how I learn; by visually remembering the text on the page and it works very well for me.

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