Monday, December 6, 2010

My EDPY Experience

Looking back on my last 3 months in EDPY many things come to mind; the friends I made, the lessons I learned, but most importantly the excitement I felt. After every class I left feeling excited, excited that in three short years I will be taking the lessons I have learned and using them in my very own class room with 20 to 30 smiling elementary students. I love children and most of all I love spending time with them and working with them. After taking EDPY I know I made the right choice to become an elementary teacher as I loved the course and its content, I found it interesting and I never once dreaded going to class like I did for English 219. One of the most interesting things and probably one of the most helpful to me was Vygotsky, I found his idea of Zone of Proximal Development very interesting and I hope to integrate his ideas into my planning and classroom activities. I also feel that I would like to help children that are exceptional and also children who have problems either emotional or behavioural. I would like to thank my instructor Robert Nellis for doing a wonderful job teaching the course it is something I will take with me for the rest of my career.

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